Monday, December 5, 2011

Cliques, Hicks, and Ugly Sticks (Confessions of April Grace) Book Review

April Grace Reilly finds herself smack dab in the middle of a terrible year. Old friends become new strangers as they all embark upon middle school. One of her best friends starts a clique called the Lotties, and April is not a part of them. The Lotties meanly run the school and pick on anyone in their path.
As if that wasn’t bad enough home life becomes the most strange and worrisome for April. On top of dealing with her overly dramatic sister Myra Sue and obnoxious live in guest Isabel St. James, April’s grandma finds herself in the midst of a love triangle. If that isn’t the icing on the cake for April her mother begins acting strangely, and April wants to get to the bottom of it. And instead of crying and whining to get her way, April brings you along on her journey as she stoically gets to the bottom of it all in her honest/humorous fashion.


This was truly a fun read. It is one of the most humorous novels I have read in a long time. I was constantly laughing out loud, and even found myself sharing funny quotes or sayings I came across with those around me. This book is in no way dull, and I was immersed in it from the beginning. There is always a new twist, mystery, or event happening at the turn of the page. Intrigue around every corner! It makes this book hard to put down.
What I really enjoyed about this book is that it touches point on so many different lessons and hardships that a tween will often find herself dealing with. From a new addition to the family, to dealing with difficult siblings, to dealing with mean girl cliques in school, hardships with faith, finding someone’s true person instead of judging them from the outer layers, and so much more!
The novel is set in the late 80s, but it doesn’t really make much of a difference as I believe all tweens will be able to connect with April Grace.
It would especially be a good read for a mother/daughter duo. I know I sure enjoyed it despite my age, and I am definitely going to be getting the third book to come out in the Confessions of April Grace series. The words flow so smoothly and easily, before I knew it the book was over. I was sad for it to end, but can’t wait to revisit April Grace and the other characters. Every character comes alive in this novel. There is no small character, even the ones that don’t appear often seem so alive! I highly recommend this series to any mother with a tween daughter, or even pick up a copy and read it for yourself. It will take you back to your middle school days. Another interesting perk is being older you can pick up on lots of other interesting details you probably wouldn’t have noticed had you been younger. I’m looking forward to book three for sure, and if you want more info on this book just check out the links below:

For more info on this book: Cliques, Hicks, and Ugly Sticks (Confessions of April Grace) CLICK HERE
Want to be friends with April Grace on FACEBOOK? CLICK HERE
For more info on the Confessions of April Grace series CLICK HERE

DISCLAIMER: I was provided this book for free through Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for my unbiased review. Opinions expressed are mine alone.

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