Thursday, May 16, 2013

Good Morning

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful day today!

It's 8:39am in my neck of the woods, and I'm sitting on my patio enjoying the beautiful day. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and it smells like fresh rain.
We got some pretty heavy thunderstorms last night, and it was much needed as it cooled things off a bit. Yesterday was just so hot and muggy.
It's been an interesting week so far, but I must admit, I am ready for the weekend to arrive. This weekend my plans are just to relax as much as possible with the kiddos. We finally got to break out our sandals even, which I just love!

I'm hoping to catch up on some blog reading tomorrow. Today is errand and grocery shopping day, and it's sure to be a busy one. To be honest I was a bad mommy and didn't even make out the meal plan for the week. I'm getting ready to do that as soon as I end this post. I have most of the meals planned in my head so that should count for something right?

And I'm hoping to get to my emails finally today. Every time I get online I get called away so I haven't had much of a chance to check on anything. If any of you sent me an email and I haven't replied yet, please don't think me rude. I promise you I will send you one back. I've re-worked my schedule a bit to allow myself at least one hour in the mornings (before the kids wake up) to be online. This should catch me up on everything surely, and I'm looking forward to connecting with all of you again.

I just seen the cutest little bunny. He approached me, but then fled. I'm going to get some veggies to put out for him, and hopefully I can snap a picture to share with you all next time. The cutest little thing. It's amazing the wonders we see early in the morning or when not many people are out.

I'm thinking of starting a Saturday Seven for all of you who may want to join in. On Saturdays we can play catch up with each other and read about one another's weeks. We can either tell seven important things that happened to us this week (or even unimportant things), or tell one thing about each day, etc. I think it will give us all a chance to see what one another has been up to that week, and it could be fun. What do you think? You can let me know via comments or send me an email:
mommywonderland (at) gmail (dot) com.

Look forward to seeing you Saturday! There will be a Mister Linky in the post if you want to link up. :) Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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