Sunday, March 11, 2012

Life Lately...

Daylight savings time has been kicking my butt today! I woke up later than I wanted to, the kids didn't wake up until later, and even though we tried to prepare for this over the weekend it did us no good. It's going to take probably the rest of this week to adjust to the new time change. I wish we did not have to participate in this crazy mixed up time. How lucky you are in that aspect- Arizona and Hawaii. LOL. Although I must admit I am not complaining at the fact that right now it is almost 7pm and it is still daylight out. How I have missed the sun! This week is suppose to be nice, so I'm looking forward to spending most of the time outdoors soaking it all in.

I can't believe that in just 4 1/2 months we will be moving! I am actually really excited about this considering our current complex has not only gotten so much stricter on certain things, but the crime has been really high as of late. It has just become too much to deal with so we are going to stay until our lease is up and that's it. This time we are finally well ahead of the game though when it comes to moving, which we never have been in the past. In the past when moving time has approached we have procrastinated and had to spend our last week packing EVERYTHING and all in all just going to bed every night with major migraines. This time we already scouted out apartment complexes, and took tours. FINALLY we came across one that we REALLY liked, and we will be moving into. It was kind of unexpected because I honestly didn't have high hopes for the complex, but I was pleasantly suprised. Just another reason why you can't judge a book by the cover. I am quite excited for that upcoming change. And I plan on having everything packed except for the neccessities WAY ahead of time! I'm hoping for a smooth quick move this time, and not one that will take all day and night as it's been in the past. haha.
I know a lot of you may wonder why we are in an apartment instead of a house, but we have rented houses before and the bills are just SO high! Finally we decided to stay in an apartment until we are ready to make the move to purchase a house, and right now that just isn't the time. We aren't even sure that we want to settle down permanently in our state.

On a down note the hubby found out last week that they are shipping out over half the machines in his plant. He is a machine attendent in a plastics factory and has worked there for years. He has always loved his job and has considerably moved up. He was hoping to move up more and was only two positions from Supervisor so this came as an unexpected blow. So far as we know he isn't in any danger of losing his position, as his machine stays put. But we wonder for how long. Selling all the machines that they are is basically cutting around 60 jobs thus far, and there will probably be more to come. If the plant closes down I am hopeful he would find other work. He loves what he does and has almost 10 years experience in the field. He has been trained as everything, and has filled in for supervisor a couple of times when nobody else could.
We have recently all overcome illnesses as well. For the first time EVER every single one of us was on an antibiotic at the same time. I had a severe sinus infection, Josh (hubby) and Levi (our youngest son) had strep throat and ear infections, and Lucas had an ear infection and kidney trouble. They think his hydronephrosus has refluxed and he is on a daily antibiotic until we can get to the bottom of what is causing the hydronephrosus. The daily antibiotic is to keep an infections from setting in. For those of you who don't know hydronephrosus is, it's the swelling of a kidney due to the backflow of urine. The urine basically does not always flow the way it is suppose to and some of it flows backwards and into the kidney instead of through the bladder. This can cause illness and urinary infections. We are not only making regular visits to our pediatrician, but are working with one of the top urologists at Riley Hospital to find out what is going on. It is curable so for that I am extremely grateful, and all we can do is take things as they come, trust, keep faith, and pray. I know God will be there for us, and even through the tough times we will make it through.

Matthew 6:28-30 (NIV)

 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
I just love how my boys are growing up although at times I get saddened because they are just growing so fast! It is amazing how quickly they learn, and I am just one proud momma! They are blossoming into such handsome little guys I hug and kiss them every chance I get. I think I will cry the day that my hugs and kisses embarrass them. So for now I'm getting in as many as I can! LOL. It just seems to go so fast, I blink and they are already 4 and 1. How the time flies!
In other news don't forget about the current giveaway's going on, they are ending VERY SOON so it's the deadline to enter in. Entries are low, only 1 required entry and an optional four if you prefer to gain extra entries for yourself.
Howard B. Wigglebottom Book Giveaway ~Ends at midnight on 03/12/2012 EST (winner chooses a Howard B. Wigglebottom book of their choice. Great for ages 4-8, all the Howard B. Wigglebottom books are wonderfully illustrated and contain important life lessons while keeping your children entertained at the same time. Kids LOVE Howard B. Wigglebottom)
Perrigo Infants Prize Pack Giveaway ~Ends at midnight on 03/14/2012 EST (winner receives an infant prize pack compliments of Perrigo Nutritionals and powered by MyBlogSpark. The prize pack includes a baby bottle, 2 containers of store brand infant formula, a fleece baby blanket, and a baby bib. You can visit this giveaway for more helpful info on storebrand formula)
*I also have another giveaway coming up this week sponsored by Harlequin Romance. I will be giving away 2 Harlequin Romance novels. Title and information upcoming so make sure to stay tuned!
Thank you for visiting me! Hope to see you again soon.

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