Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday #22

So I'll have another post coming up later today/tomorrow filling you in on details of the weekend. We've done quite a bit, and tonight we're carving our pumpkins so I'll have pictures to post of those as well. It's been crazy, and Lucas was on fall break luckily (even though it was just 2 days off) with the weekend it resulted to 4 days so it was a nice break for us all. I'm also feeling a bit under the weather and I hate to say it, but I feel a cold coming on. But right now, it's time for:

::The weather in my part of the world::
It's getting really windy, nippy, cold but sunny off and on for right now. We are under a weather advisory from 5pm tonight until 8pm tomorrow night due to high winds coming in from hurricane Sandy that have the capability to exceed 50 mph. Plus there is a possible chance of rain/snow tomorrow and Wednesday (Halloween). Not sure how it's going to affect our Halloween because I really don't want to drag the kids out if it's just plain freezing so we'll just have to see how things go. Please all of you in Hurricane Sandy's path please be safe and our prayers are with all of you.

::On my reading pile::
Finishing up Our Southern Breeze by Daphene Jones & Understanding Theology in 15 Minutes a Day by: Daryl Aaron (haven't had much of a chance to read lately).

Starting on Be Still My Soul by Joanne Bischof on the Kindle today as well.

::On my TV this week::
Besides the kids cartoons I'll be watching Nashville. I can't wait for this week's episode. I love the series so far, and it's only a few episodes in so if your interested in country music, drama, comedy, etc then I suggest it for you as well. It's only a few episodes in so it's not too late to catch up. :)

::On the menu for this week's dinner::
Monday- beef pasta, fried potatoes, green beans
Tuesday- Hand-breaded fried chicken, mashed potatoes, rice
Wednesday- Pizza burgers, macaroni and cheese, broccoli
Thursday- chicken casserole, biscuits, mashed potatoes
Friday- pigs in a blanket, macaroni and cheese, peas
Saturday- turkey manhattans, corn, rolls
Sunday- spaghetti with meat sauce, and garlic bread

::Looking around the home::
Kids are watching cartoons and snacking on some chips. It's almost time to leave for school. Backpack is packed up and sitting by the front door ready to go. All the blinds are open letting in that wonderful natural lighting. The wind is blowing outside off and on and the trees outside our windows are starting to change colors. I don't see any birds today whether it be from the cold or they sense the fierce weather on it's way. It's not overly cloudy but there's a few white clouds out there in the blue sky. Dishes are all done in the sink which is just wonderful and pumpkins are lined up ready for carving tonight.

::Last week's recap::
I put up a great giveaway from Pink Taffy Designs. You should definitely check into it and enter to win a set of hand-designed wall letters to complete your child's/babies room decor. They are just so wonderful and unique. Head on over here to enter.

We went to the Pumpkin Patch Saturday which is a family tradition of ours. The Pumpkin Patch we usually frequent wasn't open this year since they didn't produce any pumpkins due to the drought. I was quite disappointed with the one we tried because we had to pay just to get in $12 total and all the pumpkins in the patch were rotted on one side at least! The lines were horribly long and after waiting in line to do the pony ride which cost $2 for about 30 minutes my son decided he just wanted to go home. Levi wasn't having any fun and screamed off and on the whole time we were on the hayride where we were given the background of the family farm. Lucas was semi interested in that, but as it was so cold it wasn't a good experience. Plus I almost got bit by a pony! Levi was terrified of some turkeys they had in their "petting zoo" which I wouldn't allow the kids to try and pet anyway knowing first-hand how ornery and aggressive turkeys can sometimes be. One stuck it's head out of the rail and actually snapped Levi's coat hood which thankfully was hanging on his back instead of on his head at that moment. The only highlight of the pumpkin patch was a beautiful white kitty who was so loving it was demanding attention from everyone which the boys were more than glad to give it.

We went to a couple Halloween parties yesterday, and ran some errands as well. The boys won third place as Batman and Robin in our apartment complexes Halloween contest and they got a ribbon and a couple prizes (one each). But again as it was so incredibly cold we didn't stay long, just long enough for them to play with some of the children and enter in the costume contest.

::What I'll be up to this week::
Hopefully taking the kids trick or treating
Getting Lucas's birthday invitations sent out
Making an Elf on the Shelf Pinterest board
Planning a Christmas/Advent type thing for December
Making a list of all the things we're going to need for our puppy (which we are planning on getting for Christmas)
Returning some movies to the library and probably picking up some more
Normal household chores

::On my to-do list just for today::
Dishes throughout the day
Make out this week's shopping list & budget
Fold laundry and put it away (got it all done early so I don't have to be out in the wind)
Pick up some tea candles for our pumpkins (thought I had some but I don't)
Pick up Lucas from school
Make a new blog button for Mommy's Musings

::Tips & Tricks::
no tips and tricks for today

::From the camera::
no pictures today

::Something fun to share::
Ed Emberley's drawing books

These are step-by-step drawing books that are really easy for even young children to follow. Ed Emberley teaches drawing using shapes, lines, etc. I cannot even stress how easy these are to follow, and it's so fun to draw them! Lucas absolutely loves them, and I grew up drawing from them as well.

::Bible Verse/devotional::
Hebrews 10:29
How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?

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