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Book Description::
One man. One woman. Twelve children. Twenty-five years. Share the love, relive the adventure, as faithfully chronicled in the enjoyable, enlightening, and extraordinarily entertaining Flanders Family Christmas letters.
These refreshingly candid Christmas letters have been resonating with readers for twenty-five years. Now available for the first time in a single volume, together with collected quotes, favorite traditions, family recipes, and other assorted lists and ideas, Glad Tidings has something for everyone.
My Thoughts::
Even though Christmas is done and past I was still very interested in this book. Even though the letter’s are written around Christmas time it is a yearly update from the Flanders family which makes this a good book to read all year long.
This is really more of a biography of the Flander’s family, and while I did enjoy the book I felt lost at times because the book skips around from first person to third person and so forth. Mainly this happens in the beginning of the book before the family started the tradition of their yearly family letters. It created some confusion while I was reading it and made me wonder if there was a second Doug or Jennifer I was reading about. But I stuck with the book, and I am glad I did as it got better.
Despite that downfall this book really was enjoyable, and through the Flanders family letters you will feel as if you know them yourself. It was almost as if you were there watching them go from being newlyweds and young parents to grandparents with a large family. I loved that the book held back nothing and went into full details about all aspect of their lives. I could literally feel the love the family had for one another, and it was really refreshing. As they were catching other family members up with their lives for each year I love how they seemed to put their all into the letters and with it their own personalities showed and I felt as if I was reading a letter from a fellow family member or friend. Jennifer is a Christian woman, and the fact that this book has a sense of God in it is really uplifting.
More than just a book of letters this book has all kinds of hidden surprises for any reader to enjoy such as recipes, carols, quotes, bible verses, etc., scattered throughout. I thought this a touch of brilliance as it really sets the book apart from others. You will almost feel as if you are part of the Flanders family yourself! You will find yourself laughing along with this book, and just purely enjoying it. I recommend it wholeheartedly to just about anyone, but in particular it’s a great book for families.
I think a yearly letter to touch base with family is a wonderful idea, and hopefully this will become an institution in most households. In the world of social networking it has become more than easy to stay in touch with each other, but it’s always good to get mail and connect in other more simple ways. How fantastic that the Flanders family started this over 25 years ago! It’s also a great way to bind together all your families memories for future generations to enjoy which is what we are all doing now with the Flanders. I must admit I even hope for a sequel to this book for more letters. How awesome would that be?
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Disclosure of Material: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookCrash.com book review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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