Monday, November 12, 2012

Our Southern Breeze book review

Paperback: 326 pages
Publisher: Third Chapter Press (December 14, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0983012962
ISBN-13: 978-0983012962

In this beautifully written memoir by Daphene Jones we learn all about her triumphs, down moments, heart aches, trials and tribulations, etc. It is definitely a bare all book and you will find yourself feeling almost every emotion imaginable when reading this book. It tells all about how her fraternal twin Deborah Hall affected her life, and how she was led to God.
I was riveted by this book. It was written so well, and I just didn't want to put it down. I love how Daphene tells all about her depression, her life as a twin, failed marriages, up and down career, etc. And the fact that through all her trials and tribulations she never gave up on her family, her twin, her older sister, or herself.
It was so encouraging, and even though I found myself so mad during many parts of the story at many of the people mentioned you can see unfold right in front of you how God changed bad situations to good later in life.
Daphene and Deborah are true proofs of what forgiveness and love is all about, no matter how long it took each of them to uncover that fact themselves. The fact that each of them endured what they did throughout their lives together and separate and was still able to love their family, stand by them, and care for them is just something amazing. After experiencing all kinds of abuse that is just unimaginable by a troubled father they rose above it, forgave and still respected their father in many ways.
Daphene seemed like she was always kind of the black sheep. Having an older sister that liked neither one of the twins and having a twin who clearly rooted herself in another world leaving Daphene behind, Daphene was left to find her own way. In doing so she made some bad decisions, experienced tearful depression, but still the twins were brought back together later in life by God. By being brought back together they were each able to strengthen not only themselves, but their personal relationship with God. And the transformation and events that occur in Daphene's life as a result is just so uplifting. It's definitely a book you want to read and I highly recommend it!

Here is a bit of a description taken from the back of the book::
As the fraternal twin of Deborah (Short) Hall (from Same Kind of Different as Me), I knew her like no one else could. And the inspiring story I share in Our Southern Breeze is like no other story that could be told: From growing up forever in transition as our family moved from one Texas oil camp to another, to cheating in school to try to win the approval of my parents...from facing all kinds of abuse of a troubled father as a child, to the disappointment of a failed marriage as an adult...from the deep pit of depression to suicide attempts, my life was a series of bad situations, poor choices, and worse consequences. My sister saw this, and after years of estrangement, held out a hand for me to hold...once again. It was at the Anaheim Vineyard conference in 1990 that God, through the words of a man, promised to send a southern breeze over Deborah and me. Neither of us could have ever imagined what that would look like and how many people would eventually be touched by it.

This book is an honest proof to everyone that no matter what hardships you experience in life, no matter how many obstacles present themselves right in your path, and no matter how bitter or depressed you may become; God can work in mysterious ways. He will never forget about you and even when you think He has, He is just waiting right there for you to accept Him in your heart.

To learn more about this book and the author visit this website:

This book is available in:  Print   Kindle   Nook

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book as a member of BookCrash in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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